AISD to Provide Free Meals During Holiday Break

AISD will partner with the Central Texas Food Bank to provide access to healthy food while campuses are closed for the winter break.

AISD curbside meal sites will serve free seven-day meal packs prior to the break on Thursday, Dec. 17. Families may pick up an additional seven-days worth of meals at the Food Bank’s mass distribution events:

Dates: Monday, Dec. 21 and Wednesday, Dec. 30
Location: Nelson Field, 7105 Berkman Drive, Austin, TX 78752
Time: 9 a.m. - noon

In addition to the seven-day meal packs, the Central Texas Food Bank will provide attendees with an assortment of food items.

Seven-day meal packs are free for any child younger than 19 as well as those older than 19 who utilize special education resources or who are enrolled in school to complete the requirements for a high school diploma.

Parents or caregivers may receive seven-day meal packs without children present by providing documentation — such as a birth certificate, student ID card, report card, or attendance record — at the point of meal service.

Meals feature foods that are cooked and prepared by staff in AISD kitchens. The healthy meals include protein, grains, fruits, vegetables and milk. Seven-day meal pack components will be chilled and served cold to be taken home and reheated.

AISD will resume weekly seven-day meal pack distribution at curbside meal sites on Thursday, Jan. 7.

Meals are available until all packages are distributed.
